
Add Custom View

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Add Custom View

Published on 10 Jan 2021 by KaotoIO team

Kaoto frontend is extendable allowing custom views when configuring steps.

Implement Extension in Javascript

For each extension, you need to implement a React app that will be displayed when configuring and displaying the step. You can use one of the example extension as a guide.

Add View Definition to repository

For each extension, you need to add a new file on your View Definition repository. You can use one of the default View Definitions.

name: Custom Details
id: detail-step
type: step
module: './Button'
scope: 'stepextension'
      mandatory: true
      operation: CONTAINS_STEP_NAME
      parameter: twitter-search-source      

It is important that the url points to where you have deployed the extension implemented in the previous step.

The constraints will define when this extension will be shown. On the example, this extension will be shown when configuring the twitter-search-source kamelet.